A selection of my best warnings to Democrats and voters about the dangers to democracy

Huffington Post

June 8, 2018

The Republican Party is, in a certain vernacular, “ride or die.” The very least the Democrats can do is force them into making a choice between the two options. It might turn out that doing the former with the least-popular president since the advent of polling might actually result in the latter.

Huffington Post

July 7, 2018

Americans are not seeking to overthrow the world, but to build a system that values and invests in our success and has mercy for our failures. In search of this, we have marched and organized and engaged in civil disobedience and protest. We handed a three-million-vote margin to the most progressive platform in decades in the previous election.
But there is no salvaging the Republican Party. Its leaders are beyond shame, beyond rules, beyond reason. Democrats can speak in the dialogue of peace, but the only dialect Republicans understand is power.

Huffington Post

July 3, 2018


Republicans Made The Midterms A Referendum On Racism. Here's Your Chance To Reject It.